Angiography / DSA

  • 1 - 3 hour procedure
  • Fasting and blood test required
  • Possible overnight hospital stay
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Everything you need to know about Angiography / DSA

How Angiography / DSA scans work

Angiography is a specialised X-ray to examine blood vessels using a Fluoroscopy machine. It's performed by inserting a thin tube, or catheter, then injecting an X-ray dye (called contrast media) into an artery to see the vessels' course and flow.

An Angiogram / DSA can examine most parts of the body, including:

  • Kidneys
  • Gut

What to expect

An Angiogram / DSA is a minimally invasive procedure.

Upon your arrival at the Radiology Department, the radiographer may ask you to change into a gown if necessary.

You'll be taken to the Angiography room and asked to lay on the Angiography table.

If the procedure requires an injection of contrast media, the radiographer or radiology nurse will insert a cannula, usually on the inside of your elbow. You may be asked to hold your breath during this procedure- this is very important.

Request an angiography / DSA appointment
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The day of the procedure

The night before
A good night's sleep
4 hrs prior
Start fasting
1 hr prior
Cannula and gown
1 to 3 hours
Angiography / DSA procedure
2 hrs post-procedure
Allowed to sit up