
  • 20 - 30 mins procedure
  • Zero radiation
  • Wear comfortable clothing
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Everything to know about Echocardiograms

How Echocardiogram scans work

An Echocardiogram, or Cardiac Ultrasound, is used to examine the heart using high frequency sound waves to produce an image. The procedure is harmless and doesn't expose you to any radiation, but may cause some mild discomfort as the probe must be placed between ribs to see the heart.

An Echocardiogram scan is used to examine the heart.

What to expect

An echocardiogram is a test that uses ultrasound to take pictures of your heart.

For the procedure you'll be required (if able) to lie on a bed turned onto your left side, with your left arm extended above your head. We understand if this isn't possible due to shoulder or breathing problems; the scan can be adapted to suit your comfort and capability.

A small hand-held probe is placed on your chest with coupling gel and moved around to obtain images and measurements of your heart.

Request an echocardiogram appointment
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The day of the procedure

Arrive 20 mins prior to appointment
Complete paperwork
Women into a gown
Men remove shirt
20 - 30 mins procedure
The Echocardiogram
After the scan
You're free to leave
Sent to referring doctor